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100% shifts filled, 0% stress

The Florence app fills shifts with your own team first, plus our 90,000+ nurses, carers and support workers. For NHS and social care.

Care professional? Click here to sign up
Care home manager fills shifts with Florence

Community care you can rely on

Nurses and carers for those living at home with complex needs.

Care tailored to every individual



Personal care


Complex care

A caring approach

We believe in the importance of involving every individual in their care. We work closely with clients and families to develop care plans in partnership with multidisciplinary teams.
Florence workers using the app at a train station
Florence workers using the app at a train station

Safe hands

We've filled over one million shifts in eight years. We work with highly specialist care professionals and nurses to give care throughout the community, the NHS and social care across the UK.

“As a small case management company we have thoroughly enjoyed working with Florence. They are professional, patient and go above and beyond to understand the individualities of each client”.

Charlotte Wootton (MCIPD)
Operations Director at Community Outreach

Care services

We support: 
- Personal care
- Neurological care
- Airway and respiratory care
- Spinal cord and brain injury care
- Learning disability care
Florence workers using the app at a train station
Florence workers using the app at a train station

World-class care

Our trained professionals are matched per individual to meet their complex needs.

We support our workforce with dedicated in-house compliance officers, clinical trainers and experienced advocates for community care.

Talk to us

Want to fill your shifts faster? Add your details to the form and our friendly team will get in touch to set up a quick demo.

Talk to us

Want to fill your shifts faster? Add your details to the form and our friendly team will get in touch to set up a quick demo.