Care professionals
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Connect to 100,000+ fully-vetted care professionals with Florence, and fill shifts with peace of mind.  

Staff available with Florence

Care assistants
Support workers

Florence matches the best staff to your shift

Set the skills you need

Find experienced, qualified staff with a few button taps in the Florence app or on desktop.

Select the role and skills needed when posting a shift, and only the right people will apply.

Choose your staff

See who’s applied, review profiles and accept the person who fits your shift’s needs best.

Be safe in the knowledge all staff are interviewed before joining Florence, with qualifications checked and verified by our team.

Meet some of our care professionals


Registered nurse, Humberside


Registered nurse, Humberside

A registered nurse for ten years, Charlene has worked in dementia care, district nursing and management and leadership positions. She loves making a positive difference in someone’s day.


Care assistant, Coventry


Care assistant, Coventry

Chris has been a care assistant and support worker for a year, joining Florence on a friend’s recommendation. He cares for elderly people with dementia, as well as supporting people with frailty and autism.


Registered Nurse, Oxford


Registered Nurse, Oxford

Nomazulu has been a registered nurse for 25 years, working internationally and in the UK. Experienced in caring for children with learning and physical disabilities, she’s worked in private hospitals and general wards.


HCA, Leicester


HCA, Leicester

Sata has worked in the NHS as a healthcare assistant for a year and a half. He specialises in mental health care, as well as supporting those with dementia, Parkinson’s disease and learning disabilities.

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